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Data Access - Use Stored Procedures VB.NET - Advanced - Multithreading - How-To Async Calls VB.NET - Advanced - Remoting - How-To TCP Remoting VB.NET - Advanced - Serialization - How-To Serializing Objects VB.NET - Advanced .NET Framework - Make WIn32 API Calls VB.NET - Advanced .NET Framework (GDI+) - Animation with GDI+ VB.NET - Advanced .NET Framework (GDI+) - Create a Screensaver with GDI+ VB.NET - Advanced .NET Framework (GDI+) - Creating a Windows Service VB.NET - Advanced .NET Framework (GDI+) - Use GDI+ to manipulate images VB.NET - Advanced .NET Framework (GDI+) - Working with GDI+ Brushes VB.NET - Advanced .NET Framework (GDI+) - Working with GDI+ Text VB.NET - Advanced .NET Framework (Localization) - Work with Resource Files VB.NET - Advanced .NET Framework (Networking) - Use Sockets VB.NET - Advanced .NET Framework (Threading) -- Thread Pooling VB.NET - Advanced .NET Framework (Windows Services) - Create a Windows Service VB.NET - Advanced .NET Framework (Windows Services) - Interacting with a Windows Service VB.NET - Data Access - Bind Data in a ComboBox VB.NET - Data Access - Build a Master-Detail Windows Form VB.NET - Data Access - Create an Offline Application VB.NET - Data Access - Custom Data Binding Format Handlers VB.NET - Data Access - Data Entry Form VB.NET - Data Access - How-To Create a Database VB.NET - Data Access - N-Tier Data Form and Data Layer VB.NET - Data Access - Read and Write Images from a Database VB.NET - Data Access - Retreive and Process data with a SQL Data Reader VB.NET - Data Access - Sort and Filter with a DataView VB.NET - Data Access - Use ADO 2.6 VB.NET - Data Access - Using Typed Datasets VB.NET - File - How-To File Notifications VB.NET - File - How-To File System VB.NET - Framework - Comparison of DataBinding in Web and Windows Forms VB.NET - Framework - Creating an Enterprise Services Component VB.NET - Framework - How-To Configuration Settings VB.NET - Framework - How-To Environment Settings VB.NET - Framework - How-To MSMQ VB.NET - Framework - How-To Process Viewer VB.NET - Framework - How-To Reflection VB.NET - Framework - How-To Send and Receive Data VB.NET - Framework - How-To Service Manager VB.NET - Framework - How-To Stack Frame VB.NET - Framework - How-To System Events VB.NET - Framework - How-To Work with XML VB.NET - Framework - Implement role based security with Enterprise Services VB.NET - Framework - Key VB.NET Benefits VB.NET - Framework - Partitioning your application VB.NET - Framework - Scoping, Overloading, Overriding VB.NET - Framework - Understanding the Garbage Collector VB.NET - Framework - Using the COM Port in VB.NET VB.NET - Framework - Using WMI VB.NET - Interop - Automate IE VB.NET - Language - How-To Arrays VB.NET - Language - How-To Build a Custom Collection Class VB.NET - Language - How-To Callbacks VB.NET - Language - How-To DateTime VB.NET - Language - How-To OO Features in VB.NET VB.NET - Language - How-To Strings VB.NET - Language - How-To Try, Catch, Finally VB.NET - NET Framework - Create and use Trace Listeners VB.NET - NET Framework - How-To Send Mail VB.NET - NET Framework - How-To Use the EventLog VB.NET - NET Framework - How-To Working with GDI+ Pens VB.NET - NET Framework - Read and Write Performance Counters VB.NET - NET Framework - Reading and Writing with a Text File VB.NET - NET Framework - Use Temporary Files VB.NET - NET Framework - Use the Process Class and Shell Functionality VB.NET - NET Framework -- Work with Console Applications VB.NET - Security - Create a Login Dialog Box VB.NET - Security - Encrypt and Decrypt Data VB.NET - Security - How-To Role-based Security VB.NET - Security - Use Cryptographic Hash Algorithms VB.NET - VS.NET - Create a VS.NET Add-In VB.NET - Web Development - Data Entry Form VB.NET - Web Development - Exposing a Simple Web Service VB.NET - Web Development - Master-Details Web Form VB.NET - Web Development - Paging through Query Results VB.NET - Web Services - Consume a Web Service VB.NET - WebService - How To Transfer Binary Data VB.NET - Windows Forms - How-To Data Binding with Navigation VB.NET - Windows Forms - How-To System Tray Icon VB.NET - Windows Forms - How-To Validating Textboxes VB.NET - Windows Forms - Create an Explorer Style Application VB.NET - Windows Forms - How-To Automate Office VB.NET - Windows Forms - How-To Common Dialogs VB.NET - Windows Forms - How-To Data Grid Formatting VB.NET - Windows Forms - How-To DataGrid Sorting and Filtering VB.NET - Windows Forms - How-To Inherited Windows Forms VB.NET - Windows Forms - How-To ListBox and ComboBox VB.NET - Windows Forms - How-To Menus VB.NET - Windows Forms - How-To Top-Level Forms VB.NET - Windows Forms - How-To Use Drag and Drop VB.NET - Windows Forms - How-To XML Comments VB.NET -- Windows Forms -- Owner Drawn Menus VB.NET - Windows Forms - Simple Printing VB.NET - Windows Forms - Use Crystal Reports VB.NET - Windows Forms - Use Format Codes to Format Data in Strings VB.NET - Windows Forms - Use Regular Expressions VB.NET - Windows Forms - Use the Clipboard VB.NET - Windows Forms - XP Theme Support VB.NET - Windows Forms- How-To Custom Exceptions VB.NET - WinForms - Dynamic Control Creation ViewEditCustomers WebFileControl WebLoanCalculator WebMultiplePage WebProducts WordDemo WordFrequencies WordSpellChecker WSDataSet WSLoan XML .NET Developer's Guide XMLGrid